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Input File

  • 📝 NOTE: You need to successfully compile the code to continue, if you haven't done so, go here.


  • Look at the flowchart below for general ideas about the input files
      class Restart{
        * text file
        * configuration of system
      class Movies{
        * LAMMPS data file
      class OUTPUT{
      class RUN{
        * the actual process of the simulation
      class Adsorbate_definition{
        * Critical_Properties
        * Molecule_Size
        * Atom_Positions
        * Conectivity
      class CIF{
        * P1 symmetry
        * System size
        * positions
        * partial_charge (optional)
      class simulation_input{
        * Does your system have charge?
        * Run Steps or Cycles?
        * Run for how long?
        * Simulation Type?
      class FORCEFIELD{
        * dictates general and special interactions
      class SPACE{
        * spatial information of the system
      FORCEFIELD <|-- force_field_def
      FORCEFIELD <|-- force_field_mixing_rules_def
      FORCEFIELD <|-- pseudo_atoms_def
      simulation_input <|-- FORCEFIELD
      SPACE <|-- CIF
      SPACE <|-- Adsorbate_definition
      simulation_input <|-- SPACE
      RUN <|-- simulation_input
      OUTPUT <|-- RUN
      Movies <|-- OUTPUT
      Restart <|-- OUTPUT
      class force_field_def{
        * tail correction  (optional)
      class force_field_mixing_rules_def{
        * Lennard-Jones
      class pseudo_atoms_def{
        * Mass
        * Charge
        * Element
        * Polarization
  • There are FIVE files needed to run the simplist simulation
    1. simulation.input
    2. force_field_mixing_rules.def
    3. pseudo_atoms.def
    4. Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
    5. Adsorbate definition file, for example: methane.def
  • There are also OPTIONAL files
    1. force_field.def
    2. Machine Learning models


  • gRASPA takes a very similar format as RASPA-2.
  • However, to ensure reproducibility and strictness, we have additional requirements.
    1. The code checks for a list of required keywords
      • If a keyword is missing, the code will terminate



CIF File